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The Full Story


The Founder of Sankara Yoga

Marina has always been attracted to health, good food, nature, movement and helping others. She has been practicing yoga for 35 years and teaching for 15.

Marina also works part time as a Registered Nurse and Midwife in a small country hospital.  Early on in her career as a nurse she became disheartened that she could not help many feel great in their own bodies.


As important as the medical model is, there was something lacking so she then progressed to study alternative modalities over the next 30 years.   Marina's studies included yoga teachings from different teachers and disciplines, fascial massage and movement, bowen Therapy, and intuitive Counselling. 


Marina's Yoga teaching is infused with all her education,  she understands how the body moves and ages.  She believes 'everybody can practice yoga but not every body can practice all yoga.' 


“Yoga’s purpose is to feel good in your body.  The breath joined with the movement of Yoga allows energy to flow. If you try too hard it doesn’t work so you are forced to listen in to your bodies needs. The ‘softer' you are the stronger, more stable and calmer you become."


Marina teaches a core strength Hatha Vinyasa Flow Yoga style, she enjoys strong

but soft flowing classes and is always mindful of her students particular needs.

Her students range from   General flowing core - strength classes, an over 45's

gentler flowing class, antenatal classes and 1 on 1 private tuition.




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